Siberian Basalt Traps

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Siberian Basalt Traps

Postby peterfc » Sun 20 Oct 2024 2:31 pm

The Siberian Traps is the greatest flood basalt region on Earth. It is unprecedented; there is nothing like it anywhere else on Earth. There is no good explanation for why or how this eruption of flood basalts, through possibly the thickest of all cratons of continental crust on Earth, happened. In this Forum note, it is suggested that the Siberian Traps mark the birth passage of the Moon, which, as explained in the C & C Workshop 2007:2 paper, The Birth of the Moon, occurred within the memory of mankind; Greek myth tells of the birth of Aphrodite after Ouranus was emasculated for refusing to withdraw his sexual organ from Gaea.
The 2007 Workshop paper suggested that the Axis Mundi, that for possibly generations of mankind had been seen in the northern sky stretching between Earth and a Proto-Saturn, had, as Dwardu Cardona proposed, evolved into a massive Rankin Vortex (see C & C Review 2000:1). The 2007 Workshop paper suggested that this externally powered, electromagnetic vortex drew out, from somewhere in the northern hemisphere of Earth, the deep mantle material that is now the Moon. Isotopic measurements of lunar and terrestrial rocks have revealed that the Moon is indistinguishable from the Earth for nearly every isotopic system. The paper also described how, when the Axis Mundi collapsed, a vast accumulation of animal and vegetable matter, rocks, earth and water, drawn up along with the deep mantle material, after being frozen at altitude, was dumped back to Earth to form the Arctic “muck” deposits, whose quite recent formation is, like the Siberian Traps, unexplained by conventional geology. The burial of much of the basalt flows of the Siberian Traps under thick piles of sediment does not indicate great age if the permafrost deposits were dumped back to Earth after the quite recent birth of the Moon.
There is another Northern Hemisphere geological feature that is well known to geologists, but rarely acknowledged. This is the comparatively recent formation of a massive crustal depression throughout the Arctic, much of which has been filled by “muck” deposits. Derek Allan, in his posthumous paper, An Unexplained Arctic Catastrophe, part II: Some Unanswered Questions, in C & C Review, 2005, presented the evidence of a recent Arctic catastrophe, that he dated to 11,500 years ago. Allan said that geologists suggest that the collapsed regions were “the result of crustal shortening resulting from a massive folding-in upon itself of the lithosphere due to the sudden withdrawal of material from the Earth’s lower mantle.” He identified the collapsed regions of the Barents Sea, of the Turfan Depression in the far west of China and of the Pacific Ocean off the Kamchatka Peninsula, as all part of the same crustal collapse; the collapse off the Kamchatka Peninsula explaining the recent severing of the land-link between Siberia and Alaska. These collapsed regions effectively surround the Siberian Traps.
The geological problems highlighted by Immanuel Velikovsky in his book, Earth in Upheaval, and the matters raised in this forum note and in the earlier forum notes on gravity and electrical landscaping, cannot be dismissed as having happened long ago for unexplained reasons. Mythology tells of a whole series of cosmic happenings experienced by mankind in the quite recent past that include not just the births of the Moon and Venus, but Earth changing orbit from around Saturn to, firstly around Jupiter and then to around the Sun. It also tells of a whole series of interplanetary encounters after the Sun took control of the Solar System, as electromagnetic forces shepherded the planets into their current safe orbits, the most serious of which was at the time of the Exodus; described by Velikovsky in his book, Worlds in Collision. We should not be afraid to believe what mythology tells us, the planets are now in safe orbits and have been in them for some centuries.
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