Ancient Myths and Religions
Myths are the name we give to the stories that early man told his descendants about cosmic events experienced by the Earth. Early man’s attempts to understand and explain what happened, we call his religions. Modern religions have evolved as great thinkers have tried to make sense of these early ideas and find a purpose behind it all and, in particular, a purpose for mankind.
It would have only taken a generation or two for the story of a cosmic catastrophe to become virtually impossible to convey successfully. How could a survivor of the change in the Earth's orbit from around Jupiter to around the Sun explain the Gas Giant to a child who had not seen it or indeed any planet except as a small star in the night sky? He could say that Jupiter was overhead. He could say that Jupiter was enormous. He could say that Jupiter was a heavenly body, but what would the child understand and what would he tell his children? How could he explain that other heavenly bodies orbited Jupiter as well as the Earth and that when some got too close to Jupiter they suffered discharge strikes and were destroyed. Whatever was said must have sounded like an account of battles between Gods.
The Patriarchs kept written records, but did not have the language to explain what they had experienced. Copyists and translators could not have understood what the original writer was trying to convey, because it was so beyond their imagination. Even Moses, who lived through the Exodus event, could not have understood the written record he had of the Flood let alone the earlier “expulsion” catastrophe. Traditions handed done verbally must have suffered even more distortion than the written records.
The fact that the tale of a time before there was a Sun survives in so many peoples' traditions is remarkable. It is because ancient religions tried to explain what had happened that we still have a record of a time before there was a Sun.
How could one explain this state of affairs to someone who had only known night to follow day and season to follow season. It must have sounded like bliss. The terms Garden of Eden and Golden Age make sense if survival was difficult after a cosmic event had changed conditions and survival required hard work and luck.
The early verses of the Bible make no suggestion that the planet overhead was worshipped; it is referred to as the lesser light set in the heavens by God in verse 16 of chapter 1 of the Book of Genesis. It seems that it was just there until the vortex developed between it and the Earth. The appearance of the vortex and the events that followed changed things. The survivors could tell their children what they saw and what happened, but needed a reason for why they and their World should have suffered so. They were obviously being punished for something they had done, or perhaps not done, by the directing intelligence responsible for the destruction. Just as modern man takes some comfort from the thought that he is responsible for global warning, because if he is, then he may be able to do something to correct it, ancient man thought he was being punished and that by living virtuously he could prevent further punishment.
The story about how living conditions changed was comparatively easily told and has been preserved in the myths of many different cultures. However, the discharge vortex between the Earth and Saturn was much more difficult to describe to someone who had never seen a planet let alone a plasma discharge. While the Earth was still orbiting Saturn the concept of a link between the Earth and the Gas Giant could have been passed down, but it must have become increasingly incomprehensible to succeeding generations. It is amazing that the reports of the Axis Mundi, the Polar Column, the Cosmic Tree and the Tree of Life have survived as identifiable descriptions of the discharge between the Earth and Saturn with Birkeland current features recognisable to plasma physicists.
The concept of a planet having a male sexual organ would have been easier to convey. The likening of the vortex to a sexual organ possibly accounts for the humanising of the planets by later generations and for the development of ancient Phyallic cults. The birth of the Moon / Aphrodite from the Earth as Ouranus’ sexual organ was severed confirmed the female nature of the Earth / Gaia and it is likely that it was the observance of the birth of the Moon that started Earth Mother cults (see my Workshop 2007:2 paper "Birth of the Moon").
The descendants of the survivors of this early catastrophe may have understood what their elders were talking about when they said Ouranus. The Gas Giant was still their dominant heavenly body, although it was much smaller and instead of remaining stationary overhead, appeared to circle the Earth. It probably made more sense to think of it as the son of the earlier, larger heavenly body. However, the Earth was in orbit round it and they would have thought it as normal to see it in the sky as we think it normal to see the Moon there. The renamed planet came to be associated with cold, because of the deterioration in the climate when the Earth's orbit changed, and with time, because time could now be measured in more than days. It is not evident that at this stage the planet was worshipped, but the Hebrew tradition that says Adam established the worship of the Moon suggests that it probably was (see Velikovsky, The Pre-Adomite Age,
After the Earth had changed from orbiting Saturn to orbiting Jupiter, the descendants of the survivors would still not have needed to be told what a Gas Giant was, because there was still one overhead dominating their world. However, they would have had difficulty in explaining how they came to be orbiting a different planet, despite commemorating the flare-up of Saturn in their festivals of light. They knew that their previous dominant planet had been displaced by a greater planet, because they had seen the defeated Saturn shrouded in, or tied up in, its newly formed rings. It was clearly God's work as was the Flood that followed the explosion of light and the 40 days of rain. Mankind was being punished once again for his misdeeds. According to the Biblical text, neither the planet overhead nor the defeated Saturn was God. God had made the planets, the Sun and the Moon and the stars and controlled their actions. The planets were his instruments; his Angels of Destruction.
The situation was different after the next catastrophe that saw the Earth thrown out of its Jupiter orbit and captured by the Sun. How did survivors describe a Gas Giant to children who could only see one as a distant light like any other star? Saying that there was this heavenly body, much bigger than the Moon; that it took the Earth a year to go round it and that it had vanished off into the distance after it gave birth to Venus would not help them understand. Once the Earth was in orbit round the Sun it would have been virtually impossible to accurately describe a Gas Giant as a planet and explain how it was that the Earth had orbited it not the Sun. It would also have been virtually impossible to describe and explain the cosmic events that resulted in the formation of our Solar System. The idea of World Ages was probably much easier to pass on; God periodically destroyed the World and recreated it with a new sky and a new Sun.