The Vedic traditions as noted by Velikovsky spoke of a calendar year of 360 days with 12 months each of 30 days. Similar 360 day calendars were adopted around the World and found in the records and traditions of ancient Greece, Egypt, China. and Mesopotamia.
Modern astronomers and Assyriologists are keen to claim that such calendars were just schematic and that the 360 day year failed to reflect the true celestial cycles. Writers such as R K Englund and Helen Jacobus carefully repeat their claims that the 360 day calendar was just some sort of model developed to make bureaucratic record keeping easier. They even propose that the 30 day month simply originated from a thirty day pig rationing schemes used by farmers in ancient Ur around 3,000 BCE
On this Forum (24th Jan 2017) I posted a note suggesting that in the ancient China and Vedic India the Zodiac was originally divided into 28 Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions, and this came about because the Sidereal Lunar cycle calculated on the bases of a Vedic year would have taken 27.7 days. The 365 day year which was not recognised until later in the 1st Millennium BCE.
It was not only the Sidereal cycle which was calculated on the bases of a 360 day Vedic year. In India the Vedic seasonal calendar of exactly 12 months of 30 days was also used as the foundation for their method that they used for naming the Indian months. In parts of ancient India the months were named in accordance with the name of the Nakshatra in which the Full Moon stood for successive seasonal months. If the Full Moon stood in the Nakshatra Krittika in the first month of the year it was presumed that the Full Moon would be seen standing in the same position and the same Nakshatra in the first month of each succeeding year. These assumptions would only hold good to provide a system for naming the Months calendars and seasonal years in which the 12 lunar months were synchronised with the annual solar cycle.
Today we do not have seasonal months in which the Full Moon stands mid month within the same Nakshatra year after year. If it is Full Moon in one Lunar Mansion at the Summer Solstice in the first year it will not be Full Moon in the same Lunar Mansion at the next Summer Solstice. In Vedic times Indian astronomers and astrologers were treating their 360 day year as if it was a real year or as if it represented some sort of complicated representation of virtual reality.
It is difficult to understand how this early system for naming the months could have been adopted in Vedic times unless their seasonal months were synchronised exactly with a 360 day Solar seasonal cycle.
The 'Indian Journal of History Science' on 'The Origin of the 28 Naksatras...' has kindly included a paper in the recent September 2018 issue in which I note additional aspects of the early Indian calendar which seem to be better suited to use with a 360 day seasonal calendar rather than a 365 day year. The manner in which early Indian calendars appears to have been founded on a 360 day seasonal year give support to Velikovsky's claim Worlds in Collision p.318, regarding the Tithis of the modern Indian calendars that the divisions of the month into 30 Tithis of '12 degrees' are a relic of an older and earlier division of a 30 day month into 30 daily divisions. For I.J.H.S. see: