Battles in the Sky.

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Battles in the Sky.

Postby John » Wed 22 May 2019 11:01 pm

This essay presents a largely personal view of major events over the past many thousands of years, essentially covering the Middle East. For reasons of space I have not included the history of the Americas, or that of Asia and Australasia. My principle purpose is to encourage comment, opinions and hopefully posts that may, like my own, fly in the face of the so-called experts whose views are not necessarily any more worthy of respect than our own.

Throughout the world. mankind has viewed the heavens as the home of gods who exhibit mainly human characteristics, such as love, hate and jealousy, greed and murder, tempered with salvation. In this arena humanity granted these gods every conceivable style of animal and human form. Usually the stars themselves are presented as the 'souls' of the hoi polloi but, the Sun, planets and other solar system bodies are deified as god's that rule over both heaven and Earth.
We are familiar with claims that some star patterns show the outlines of particular deities but are hard for most of us to identify. Much easier is the identification of planets that were regarded as mighty warriors, Kings in the sky. We are well aware that Mars was a Warrior King who often inflicted plague and tempest on Earth and turmoil in the heavens. The Sun was (almost) invariably regarded as the supreme monarch, master of the Universe, the giver of light and life and worshiped as such. Nonetheless, the Sun seems not to have had direct rule over Earth. The position of ruler was allocated to whichever planet dominated Earth by virtue of its apparent nearness.
For this to be practicable in explaining worldwide beliefs that dominated ancient cultures , the skies must have been, from time to time, the scene of tumult and disorder. Recorded history seems, loosely, to cover a period from about 5000BC. This was preceded by any number of catastrophes that destroyed early civilisations, burying them under mountains of earth or sinking them beneath the oceans.
The stories of Atlantis and Troy are known of by most people, though not necessarily believed. I make it clear that (in my view) they are factual stories of real happenings, though perhaps not always accurately remembered. Treating these events as being 'true' in substance presents us with a societal background not even hinted at by history professors (and buffs).
The Greek Solon met an Egyptian priest,(either Pateneit or Sonchis, both of Sais), in around 600BC during a 10 year stay in Egypt. This priest astounded Solon, saying that at some point in time an island power called Atlantis had invaded and conquered probably most Mediterranean kingdoms until they were, eventually, freed by a newly powerful Athens. No actual time scale for this period is known. The priest went on to say that Athens was built some 9000 years earlier (9600BC) and Athens had built Sais itself a thousand years later (8600BC). He claimed that at that earlier date (9600BC), Athens sent a 10000 strong force to invade and destroy the Athenian Empire once and for all.
What has escaped notice is that Atlantis had most probably been in existence for hundreds, possibly thousands of years and Athens also for 500 years or more, needing at least this level of time to have developed sufficiently to have been capable of conducting wars aimed at freeing conquered Mediterranean territories.
Unfortunately, the gods did a very thorough job of destroying both parties in one fell swoop! The Atlantic 0cean opened and swallowed the land and eliminated both Atlantis and everyone in the vicinity.
This cataclysmic event sank virtually all Atlantic lands and (I suggest), much of the land now beneath the Mediterranean including parts of Greece. This means that almost certainly the Ionian and Aegean seas, together with the Black Sea and the Bosporus passageway to it, were formed as the result of what was probably a massive extraterrestrial impact.
It seems that a second Athens was built and so (apparently) was its state apparatus. Athens regained much of its former glory, resuming control of Egypt and building Sais some thousand years later in 8600BC. The Egyptian priesthood kept detailed records, so the time spans of their history were well known to Sonchis and Pateneit. I do not doubt their veracity.
Here then we have more 'missing' eons of Greek history! The period 9600-1546BC is a virtually blank page. The likely reason for this was huge destruction caused by the explosion in 1546BC of the Mediterranean Island volcano, Santorini. Yet again Athens collapsed, earthquakes and – inevitably - tsunami's raged over every seaside civilisation, killing thousands. It seems that Egypt was somehow protected from the worst effects by the large area of the Nile delta.
Once more a new Athens was built, the third! In this era,900 years would pass before the time of Solon. This is a very long time in human affairs and it is unsurprising that Solon would have no knowledge of a yet earlier age, let alone two ages! The second having spanned about 8000 years from c.9600-1546BC, but both were wiped from Greek records by devastating cataclysms.
It was that third epoch that spawned what we think of as the history of this amazing and cultured people. It was also the only era of the Athens trilogy that eminent Greeks, Solon for example, knew of!
There are so many factors, so many oddities that only make sense if they are seen as elements of thriving, lost civilisations. Some will say that this is just speculation, but any alternative proposition is groundless without a societal structure to support it!
The elevation of Solon and six others to the status of 'Seven Wise Men' (about 600BC) highlights the fact that none of them knew of this earlier Grecian history, beyond a few myths.
An early event in this latter day history was the siege of Troy, thought to have happened c.1200BC. As usual this event had, like Atlantis, been deemed pure mythology by modern historians. Also - as usual - these 'experts' were totally wrong!
The jumble of relations between Athens and the surrounding marauder societies was a circus of constant violence and reconciliation over quite a long time, then Persia became the common enemy until totally routed at Salamis in 480BC. By around 450BC, some sort of peace was established.
The contiguous emergence of Greek 'Wise Men' and a democratic ideology in Grecian politics suggests that long experience and the benefits of much earlier written work must have been available in the education of highly placed families.The present day Athens was some 900 years old when Solon was born, if we use the 1546BC Santorini timeline.
In parallel with all this is the story of ancient Egypt. Little is known until about 3200BC when the first Pharaoh, King Menes, instituted a more intensive Pharonic religion and claimed to have united 'the two lands' – Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
By becoming a Sky God Pharaoh in the heavens as well as being Pharaoh of the land below, Menes could truthfully claim to have united the two lands. This being so, the office of Pharaoh would always be held by a Human-God/Sky-God.
In Pharonic religion, extreme importance is allocated to the idea that the Pharaoh is the living embodiment of the God Kings who rule over the heavens and the Earth. In brief, this highly complex, irrational and awesomely powerful superstition, placed all power in the hands of gods who are embodied in the form of planets, moons, stars and the Sun.
Pharonic religion carried an overwhelming influence and power for a prime reason. Nothing then known to mankind, other than imagined humanoid sky gods, could even begin explain the chaos enacted above their heads and inflicted on the earth beneath their feet. It would require the passage of a further 2500 years before Greek philosophers worked out the basics realities of the solar system, but even then it had no echo in Egypt. While there was much politicking among the priesthood, doubting its basis was a non-starter – an anathema.
On appointment as Pharaoh a person became a God and took on the name of whatever planetary body loomed largest in the firmament. This practice came about with the onset of unparalleled, terrifying events in the Egyptian skies. Though unaccepted by modern establishment cosmologists, it is quite certain that the 3000 years of Pharonic rule in Egypt were dominated and acted out, not just by human Pharaohs, but by chaotic disturbance in the skies above.
The range of disturbance included planetary battles where planets engaged in near, sometimes actual, physical contact. A vast quantity of debris was created which was interpreted according to its behaviour. When it trailed behind a planet it was the army of the planet God, when it was in front, it was rapidly overhauled and apparently destroyed, so it was represented as the enemy being 'Smited with a single blow'!
The planet was, according tightly with Pharonic legend, the human Pharaoh in the form of his alter-ego Sky God Planet. When these exploits were chiselled into the temple walls, the highly skilled sculptors (and everyone else!) knew full well that it portrayed actions in the sky, not Earth! Nonetheless, the human Pharaoh was seen as having been actively engaged, seen by one and all as charging ahead of his army and delivering a knockout blow that destroyed thousands with a single swipe!
No, not exaggeration! Not kowtowing, not pandering to the king – simply a record of what they (thought) they had seen in Upper Egypt! This view of Pharonic religiosity was revealed to me when I discovered the writings of a new Velikovsky – Gary Gilligan. He is the first to realise that Upper Egypt was the heavens and only Lower Egypt was land. From that standpoint he understood the truth that has been sculpted on temples and statues during that extraordinary epoch. With admirable scholarship he has reassessed Egyptian history and presented it in a new and comprehensible light. He has reasonable explanations for the lack of war trophies, the missing remains of countless slaughtered warriors, broken weapons, slaughtered horses and broken chariots – none have been found, not even at the famed Kadesh confrontation.
Gary suggests that no human Pharaoh engaged in mortal combat beyond home borders. He points out that to lose life or limb on foreign soil disqualified your hope for eternal life in Upper Egypt. Who would risk losing this right in yet another battle over a chunk of foreign land? No-one? Ah! You guessed it!
Whatever view you take, whether of rejection, full or partial acceptance, Gary's proposition presents a solution to some otherwise inexplicable problems.
Why, for some 3000 years, were men of all ranks depicted with bare backs despite the heat and searing radiation of the Sun? I lived close by the Suez Canal through two searing summers and never saw a bareback except for swimmers or those like myself lounging in the shelter of a tent. I personally cooked an egg on the scalding hot wing of a lorry! I was always dressed to avoid sunburn but came home darker skinned than my Egyptian workmates!
The only possible conclusion, regardless of what many 'leading' cosmologists may think, is that the tropics were shielded by a significant density of solar dust and debris that blocked out some of the heat and dangerous rays over the whole of that entire period!
What could explain the origin and amazing continuity of a such a cloud? Again there is only one likely explanation. There must have been collisions that created an enormous quantity of debris in the sky's above Egypt. As is vividly demonstrated by Saturn, such dust and debris will gather over equatorial regions forming rings of variable density. Consequently, their effects may be confined to a relatively narrow band around the Earth, not affecting outer territories. This would enhance Lower Egypt as being a very special land overborne by a very special Upper Egypt!
This band of debris was in constant flux. It seems probable that this planetary disorder was triggered initially c.3200BC by some catastrophic collision that altered the orbits of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Whatever the cause, it resulted in the approach, then withdrawal, of the two gas giants. Mars became a constant visitor for a very long time.
The closeness of these 'passes' caused major upheavals on Earth adding hugely to the power and status of Pharonic religious superstition. Clouding skies caused the Sun and the planets to appear as red orbs. The closeness of a Solar System body would cause effects on Earth that were directly attributable to it. These events were thought of as physical proof of the Sky Gods power and the living being of the planet.
So, Egyptian superstition insisted that planets were sky gods acting out their roles as true Pharaohs and demonstrating their unchallengeable power.
For a fuller understanding, reading Gary Gilligan's books detailing his Sky God Scenario is an imperative. He also explains how the world's largest deserts were formed by debris from the collision of Mars and Venus and the birth of Mercury. He concludes that tidal forces exerted by Earth and Venus drew out the iron heart of Mars to become Mercury. Evidence for this is expressed in the remarkable behaviour of Amenhotep IV who (possibly) named the new planet god 'Aten'.
This man changed his name to Akhenaten (servant of the Aten). He changed the centre of Pharonic religion from 'Re' (the Sun) to this proclaimed single 'One God - the 'Aten'. Claiming no other gods existed, he even moved his capital to a place unsullied by association with earlier gods. By downgrading 'Re' and elevating the 'Aten' to rank as the sole god of the heavens, his action alienated pretty well all his priesthood.
The 'experts' have (idiotically) claimed that Aten was another name of the Sun! If this was so, why was the priesthood so violently opposed to worshipping Aten? A new name for the Sun would be, in itself, nothing to shout about.
It's just invented rubbish. The fact is that the name Aten was not associated by Egyptian's with Sun at any time at all.
At this time and for over 1000 years, the planetary gods system had ruled without challenge or doubt. I cannot imagine any other reason for Akhenaten to take this astonishing, revolutionary action, against the advice of priesthood and causing upset to the inbuilt political/religious system. The visible birth of the new planet and its overwhelming dominance, a red orb of fire that shut from sight all others, convinced this man that it must be very special rather than just another transient Pharaoh God.
After about 14 years Aten/Mercury began to recede and lost its dominant role. The new religion collapsed and Akhenaten died. His likenesses were damaged to express the anger of the priesthood and to ruin his afterlife. His successor, Tutankhamun did all he could to restore the gods and the priesthood.
The main thing now is for the 'deniers' to recognise their mistake and put their knowledge and expertise to real use, either expanding Gary's discoveries or actually proving him wrong. Ignoring and disregarding his remarkable work can bring only shame and distrust to their own work.
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