Parallel Development In Evolution

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Parallel Development In Evolution

Postby John » Thu 24 Jun 2021 3:49 pm

My theme here is that life is kick started by the conversion of carbon atoms into a self-replicating mode. This change is an effect of supernova forces on this atom. For clarity I call it C+. If it eventually lands in a suitable atmosphere, it evolves into the life we know. This conversion may well be influenced by other considerations that only skilled research can uncover.

It has become increasingly apparent to me that the present interpretation of the workings of evolution and how it functions is not quite right. The generally accepted view is that all life on Earth has risen from a mystery laden single ’unit’ of life that, some billions of years ago, miraculously survived the physical conditions then prevalent. This assumption is based on research that shows a similarity in all known DNA threads.

Thanks, particularly to Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin, we know a whole lot about the way life evolves, but I have learned that some critical elements, still shrouded in mystery, are being ‘explained’ in a manner that does not consider any fuller understanding.
My interest was captured by a magazine article about ‘Convergent Evolution’. I saw at once that my own recently developed ideas about the emergence of life, and particularly its evolution, are lent further credence because they explain why this mysterious, so-called ‘Convergent Evolution’ is observed.

This new observation is described as: “The independent evolution of similar features in species of different periods or epochs in time. It creates analogous structures that have similar form or function (to each other) that were not present in the last common ancestor of these groups”. (Wikipedia)

This is, in my view, quite correct but – for such ‘independent evolution’ to evolve features not foreshadowed in an ancestor is probably impossible. If all life has evolved from only one source, each ‘variation’ will follow a path distinct from any other. It will evolve features apposite to its new form and cannot be influenced by whatever conditions affected its reputed ancestors. Such changes seem extremely unlikely, so only evolution from an entirely separate initial unit of life can explain these mysteries. As they are quite numerous, (which is why this ‘Convergent Evolution’ idea has surfaced) it indicates that they are ongoing features of a quite separate evolution.

Once a path to any lifeform, be it plant or animal, has been ‘set’ only ‘fine tuning’ can occur. Evolution, like the Arrow of Time, can only move forward. It cannot be influenced by the conditions that shaped earlier forms because those conditions are always changing. The direction of evolution is, of course, critically influenced by its environment. An example: the Sabretooth Tiger and the later Bengal (and several other types of tigers), are quite separate species. This is because today’s tigers each come from different C+ units of life that were not present in the time of the Sabretooth.

Whether or not my speculation on the initial step in the formation of life (C+) is right, I feel sure that life is formed in a manner not too dissimilar to my explanation. As I have suggested, this is a process involving a supernova and is repeated invariably throughout the Universe. It is relatively rare event as far we are concerned.

By this I mean that every C+ has a virtually identical constitution, which means its evolution is driven down near identical paths. It will father almost identical lifeforms, generating similar DNA and RNA patterns.

My main point is that following a supernova in the Milky Way, clouds of my C+ units got lucky and landed in our atmosphere, spawning all forms of life. Eventually, following another such supernova, a new cloud of C+ arrives. These are destined by their internal similarity to go through very much the same initial stages of evolution (microbes etc) as did their predecessor/s. However, - in the newer conditions - differing types of say tigers are probably the fruits of several separate C+ units. I think that a more advanced examination will confirm their ‘separateness’.

Interestingly, seen via this idea, the differences between species of hominids become easier to understand. I think the distinctive skull of Homo Sapiens-Sapiens, suggests very strongly that we came about in a late edition C+ evolution. The relative frailty of the human skeleton, using conventional evolution, is unlikely to have been sustainable in the time of Apes and monkeys. It also means the end of the ‘Missing Link’ search. The ‘link’ never existed because we evolved from a later C+ unit. I see our evolution as a ‘straight line’ with few branches, none relating beyond a general similarity to apes and monkeys. We are not, therefore, related to chimpanzees.
Suggesting how long may have been the sojourn in the atmosphere, then in the sea and on land, nobody knows. ‘Ongoing Evolution’ is unstoppable, but only refines successful lifeforms.

I hold that the Universe is 100% Matter. Every speck of absolutely everything is composed of Matter, even thought. There are two types of Matter, inorganic and organic. The inorganic variety is limited to 92 natural atoms, plus a few we have conjured up, and is found everywhere.

Life is intensely complex with no apparent limit to its variety and it seems arises only in very particular circumstances. The characteristic fundamental to life is an ability to self-generate. No inorganic material can reproduce itself but - I maintain - some change in an inorganic material provides the ‘spark of life’. My view is that just as a spark is not fire, but can start one, the ’spark of life’ is not itself life.

For life to develop an intermediary stage is essential. It must be capable of survival and self-generation to allow time for the development of the vital organic working parts that make it truly alive. I believe that this process works much as I will suggest. The system I will proffer is, I think, very unlikely to be correct, but - most certainly – it points very positively in the right direction.
Only the carbon atom features in known life. This will be the case anywhere. The Earth has experienced every type of environment, but only the carbon base is common to life. Therefore the carbon atom is my selected atom of cause. The primary function of self generation can only come about if this atom’s subatomic structure can be altered in whatever fashion is required. To affect a subatomic system, enormous force is necessary. No such force has ever been within the power of any planet. Had it been, we’d have been wiped out long ago.

The force I refer to is that of a supernova. Subjected to this force, it is possible that the subatomic structure of the carbon atom would be re-formed so as to expand its already exceptional capabilities. I contend that this restructuring makes it possible for this newly formed atomic structure to attract, retain, and mould additional material into a duplicate of the powers and formations of its newly converted host. This very special atomic formation I name as C+. My C+ must eject its duplicate to make room for the same process to be repeated.

It is evident that the very long durability of inorganic Matter is strongly affected by the complexities of harbouring life forming factors, and these may very soon collapse. Not much life can exceed 100 years.

Thus the first imperative onto the path to life is now met! This critical first step, the parent and child characteristic! But, if the C+ remains in conditions unsuitable for evolution it will eventually decay into its normal structure. If it gets lucky it will be captured by a planet with an Earth like atmosphere. There it can evolve from being an intermediary into a unit capable of near endless evolution.

Whatever the technical process may be, I am quite certain that every C+ must form in almost identical form no matter where in the Universe they may be. A simple analogy: a suit of Hearts must, without exception, consist of the Ace thro’ the rest and end up with the King. However, any order is possible and that will affect the possibilities allowed by the rules. It is, I suggest, the same for the C+.
What this tells me is that the C+ atom evolves only along routes predicated by the particular order of its own ‘Suit of Hearts’! Broadly speaking, this means that all lifeforms everywhere will be of types that could exist on Mother Earth. We must, from time to time, receive further clouds of C+. Usually these will evolve in far more suitable conditions than their forbears endured, and will undoubtedly follow very similar paths. They include lighter, faster, and more viable smaller lifeforms. Our Tiger has no use for huge, awkward tusks and the new variety has evolved in several different types.

There are dozens of animals with closely similar compatriots, but – they did not evolve in the same period. Biologists think in terms of converging evolution but cannot find any proof whatsoever that this phenomenon is even possible.

My answer is that different ‘types’ of any particular fully evolved animal cannot subsequently evolve gradually increasing similarities to some previously existing species. Once a path is set there can be, for example, no way for a sabre-tooth tiger to ditch its long established monster fangs or for Asian tigers to drift towards them. No even slightly different earlier forms of the modern tiger have been found - they never existed! This animal has a ‘straight line’ evolutionary history. These same improved conditions favoured the separate evolution of mankind. We do not come from apes or monkeys.

Apparent, puzzling genetic similarity is catered for by my ‘Suit of Hearts’ analogy.

Just for the sake of it, I point out that, for evolution to effectively stand still for 200+ million years because of the massive destructive power of the dinosaurs, would mean that when evolution restarted on the grand scale, it would first need to regress to a point where such evolution is possible. There is absolutely no evidence for that whatsoever.

Yet – these newer forms started to appear about 500,000 years after dinosaurs were gone and forgotten! To achieve this, my newer C+ must have been slowly developing, possibly for several million years. The colossal impact some 6o million years ago changed everything. The disappearance of monsters and widespread devastation allowed the spread of forests and of creatures suited to that environment.
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