electrical landscaping

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electrical landscaping

Postby peterfc » Fri 05 Apr 2024 5:01 pm

Electrical Landscaping

Andrew Hall in his many Thunderbolts Project, Youtube “thunderblog” presentations and in his 2017 Electric Universe conference presentation, has identified evidence for electrical landscaping of Earth’s surface found all around the world. Hall has also made it clear that the limited erosion of geological structures on the Colorado Plateau and elsewhere confirms that this electrical landscaping was very recent. In his 19/4/18 YouTube thunderblog about the Utah landscape, Hall said it was “zapped, carved and seared by electrical storms that could have happened last year” by “sputtering discharges” at a time when the “entire atmosphere was ionised” and later suggested that the electric current responsible was of enough strength to remove hundreds of feet of solid sandstone, ripping out mountains of earth in a blink of an eye.

Hall has suggested that the power source for this landscaping has to have been external to Earth. However, neither he, or any other Electric Universe supporter, has offered an explanation for how the widespread electrical landscaping, that was mostly quite localized, covering hundreds of square miles not millions, could have been externally powered.

Periodic flare-ups of the Sun may be suggested as an explanation for the external power source by adherents of the Electric Universe theory. However, Dave Talbott, a founding member of the Thunderbolts Project, and some others of the project’s team, are supporters of the Dwardu Cardona, Saturn Configuration “shish-kebab” proposal (see SIS 1999 conference paper in C & C Review 2000) that is at odds with the ideas of the Project’s co-founder, Wal Thornhill, who has suggested that mankind’s earliest memories, as detailed by Dwardu Cardona in his books, may have been from a time when Earth was orbiting Saturn inside its radiant surface prior to the first interaction of Saturn’s heliosphere with that of the approaching Sun. Thornhill thought that conditions inside the radiant surface of Saturn would have been very favourable for life on Earth with heat being equally experienced all-round the planet. He suggested that once the heliospheres of the 2 stars, Proto-Saturn and the Sun, came in contact, they were attracted to one another and that their drawing together caused a change in electrical stress on the surface of Proto-Saturn that saw its radiant surface switch to “dark mode” and contract until it switched back into “glow mode” when reduced to a fraction of its previous size

The ideas of the 2 founders of the Thunderbolts Project seem to be incompatible. Not only are both proposals impossible given conventional understanding of cosmology, but neither offer an explanation as to how Earth achieved its current “stable” orbit. The dynamics of the “shish-kebab” proposal are particularly difficult. How could it have been formed and stabilized in the first place and how could Mars have moved from orbiting inside Earth to orbiting outside? There is also the problem of Hall’s evidence for multiple, worldwide, recent and probably externally powered, electrical landscaping.

Despite also being impossible given conventional understanding of cosmology, does Immanuel Velikovsky’s “Unstable Solar System” theory offer a solution for recent electrical landscaping on every continent on Earth?

Velikovsky suggested, in Worlds in Collision, that the Solar System has been unstable in the lifetime of mankind, that the birth of Venus was witnessed by mankind and that a relatively newborn Venus caused a series of cosmic catastrophes; the worst of which was recorded in the Biblical, Exodus story. Velikovsky’s archive material (http://www.varchive.org) shows that he believed that Earth had been orbiting Saturn until a massive flare-up (coronal mass ejection?) of Saturn saw Earth thrown out if its Saturn orbit and captured in an orbit of Jupiter. It would appear that Velikovsky thought that it was around 2,000 BC, counting in current years, that, following a cosmic catastrophe that saw Jupiter give birth to Venus, Earth was captured in an orbit of the Sun.

Velikovsky suggested that Earth had damaging encounters with Venus both before and after the Exodus (that he dated to around 1,450 BC counting in current years), some of which he believed were severe enough to change Earth’s orbit. Electric Universe theory maintains that the “stringy” things observed in the magneto-tail of Venus are electricity carrying “Birkeland currents”. Accordingly, as all of the damaging Venus encounters must have occurred while Earth was deep within the magnetotail of Venus, the electricity in the “Birkeland currents” was almost certainly responsible for the externally generated, electrical landscaping forces that were experienced by Earth. In a bad encounter, it would seem that forces of repulsion sufficient to change the orbits of both planets were experienced prior to Earth’s atmosphere, over hundreds of square miles of its surface, being ionised. The consequential electrical discharges between the planets were clearly, given Hall’s evidence, of many orders of magnitude greater than lightning strikes.

It is clear that the Exodus catastrophe, that Velikovsky thought saw a doubling in Earth’s orbit, was the worst of the Venus driven, orbit changing experiences, and may well have been when the electromagnetic excavation of the Grand Canyon, suggested by Thornhill, and the recent electrical landscaping of the Colorado Plateau, suggested by Hall, occurred.

Velikovsky identified a 52 year cycle of Venus “events” which suggests that between his date for the birth of Venus (2,000 BC) and the 238 BC publishing of the Canopus Decree, the text of which makes it clear that Earth was, at the time it was written, in its current orbit as near as make no difference, there were as many as 34 Venus cycle encounters. It may be that quite a number these Venus “events” were not damaging, but enough could have been to account for all of Hall’s electrical landscaping sites.

Every time Earth experienced electrical landscaping, a vast amount of material must have been ripped from its surface and dumped back out of the sky to form new sediment layers after perhaps being carried by the wind for thousands of miles. The years of “shadow of death” atmospheric conditions that followed the Exodus suggests that a truly vast amount of material was thrown into the heavens during this catastrophe. Given the number of electrical landscaping sites identified by Hall, this process could have regularly supplied material for wide spread wind-borne loess deposits and numerous new sediment layers.

Velikovsky’s Unstable Solar System theory has Earth regularly entering the electrically charged magnetotail of Venus, and Mars regularly entering the electrically charged magnetotail of Earth. Every time this happened there must have been some electromagnetic consequence; indeed, it is likely that there are still some electromagnetic consequences when Earth passes through the magnetotail of Venus, as it has been recently. Early June of 2004 and 2012 AD were Venus transit dates and the high level of damaging earthquakes experienced over the last 30 years, compared to the previous 60 years, could be due to the repeated stressing of Earth during recent inferior conjunctions of Venus.

The more serious of the planetary encounters were, according to Velikovsky's Unstable Solar System theory, able to change the orbits of Earth, Venus and Mars; usually into safer orbits, but not always, it would seem from the historic record, in the case of Mars. The net effect of these, probably hundreds of encounters between the planets’ electromagnetic fields, was to shepherd them, in less than 4,000 years, into orbits where their electromagnetic interaction has been minimised. Having reached this happy situation, we can be confident that the Solar System is now stable and will remain stable until another star approaches our system. As such a star would probably be identified as dangerous thousands of years before it could cause damage, accepting Velikovsky’s Unstable Solar System theory as correct should be reassuring not terrifying.
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