While I am no authority, it is and always has been my opinion that understanding the history of Pharaonic Egypt is both the key and the lock on the door to its hidden reality. Anyone who attempts to order and understand this history is dogged by the litany of improbable human behaviour it relates. I am not armed with the detailed information that is, almost relentlessly, portrayed in the work of Eric Aitchison et al, but their knowledge has served to present the most 'difficult' propositions, which are yet riddled with conflicting opinions and in desperate need of some 'cast iron' data from which to work.
Opinions, Velikovsky’s included, are just that. Many sources offer 'opinions' based on an interpretation of the discoveries they have made. Again, few of these 'interpretations' are fireproof, most reflecting (unsurprisingly) previously formed personal opinions. What seems clear in Egypt's jumbled history is that the same names attributed to particular Pharaohs are presented hundreds of years apart but - as the same people! This (it seems likely) was a contributing factor in Velikovsky's idea that there was/is a six hundred year gap (or is it repetition?) in that history.
This has meant that it is virtually impossible to understand and unravel the 'Gordian Knot' that binds so confusingly this history. I now find that, viewed from an entirely different standpoint, it may be that sense - and possibly revelation - is at hand. To continue my analogy, this intransigent knot has been cut by the sword of enlightenment wielded by none other than Gary Gilligan (GG). He has written several books that he calls the God King Scenario (GKS).
He maintains that the chiselled history of the Pharonic period (c3200-50BC) - ended by the Roman conquest – does not in fact, mark the succession and exploits of these (always monumental) leaders and conquerors who were rarely (if ever) defeated. It is recorded that they “Led from the front” – often single handedly, slaying hordes of the enemy with a single swipe (a seemingly ridiculous assertion) yet not one of these Pharaohs was killed or seriously hurt in their endless warring adventures.
GG maintains that this whole period should be viewed in an altogether different light and I, having read the books, wholeheartedly agree. I must preface my comments with the criticism that his ‘solution’, as presented cannot be entirely correct. He agrees, but has, in his new scenario, presented many conclusions that are, yet again, opinions and assumption together with the usual bevy of ‘internal’ conflicting deductions. Cutting the ‘Gordian’ knot is one thing – a major advance. Thank you Gary. Weaving correctly together its many strands is a major task!
Here I will set out what I(not necessarily anyone else!) see as my view of Egyptian history, cast in this new light.
Foremost is the advent of a period of some 3000 years of shocking and (in every way) disturbing events in the skies above Egypt. These tumultuous, literally earth shaking events were virtually immediately transcribed by ‘the establishment’ as the work of heavenly gods. The Egyptians, perhaps in defence of their already established political system, seized upon the idea that these violent heavenly bodies were in fact living beings acting with human intelligence to display their anger at the frailties and misbehaviour of humanity, i.e. Egyptians.
As living beings, by their power, they were - must have been Pharaohs - the living representatives of the ‘Eternity’ that watches over us. They commanded the routines of daily living by their behaviour and the human responses this evoked. This godlike authority is shared by and attributed in equal measure to earthly Pharaohs. The human Pharaohs and their advisers were keenly aware that the actions of these ‘Sky Gods’’ in past ‘World Ages’, had inflicted the Earth with flood, fire and earthquake on an immense scale.
They knew that other lands had literally risen and fallen in the time of man and that other much earlier civilisations had flourished, remembered in myth as led by mighty gods such as Poseidon and co. then perished in a matter of moments, at the will and wish of the living gods in the sky. Atlantis was but a latter day example.
Man must have an acceptable answer to mysterious or epic convolutions of nature and, to bring them into some human understanding, these gods are almost always presented as exhibiting human appearance, feelings, human jealousies and notably, human weaknesses.
In the Pharonic tradition, the Pharaohs – both earthly and heavenly – are considered as one and the same. This intimacy of relationship was already a firm and accepted ‘religious’ belief that first appeared at some as yet unknown point.
So, when a solar body is engaged in a clash, usually with much smaller bodies, mainly the rubble and refuse generated in space collisions, the solar body is deemed a planet god (Pharaoh) - crashes through and devastates (or accretes) these smaller masses, temporarily clearing some of the space ‘above’. Its actions are regarded as the acts of the human Pharaohs, albeit in absentia.
The relationship between human and planetary Pharaohs was that of ‘alter egos’, in that what one does is done by both. Thus it is that acts by solar bodies are treated as acts by human Pharaohs and were then chiselled in stone as the actions of ‘Pharaohs’, but not in actuality the human variety!
Fantastic as this seems to us, it is an accepted fact that this notion of duality was devoutly and sincerely believed by every Egyptian, whether high or low in status. After all, when these solar phenomena have been daily experience for generation upon generation, for hundreds, even thousands of years, who could doubt it?
We know for sure that they named any dominant or simply active planetary body (comet?) as a Pharaoh or a Court dignitary. The attendant debris was simply everywhere! This was a continuing phenomena, creating a shroud around Earth causing the Sun and planets to glow redly rather than blindingly, especially when nearby. When these bodies retreated they were renamed – and - so was the Pharaoh. As and when the ‘body’ retreated it was re-named. On its return, perhaps very many years later, it was renamed yet again, so - purely for example, it could be Thutmose I, II or III – or some alternate names. Thus, in this example, rather than being three different men, separated by ancestry, they may, for instance, be the Moon or Mars, Venus etc visiting Earth yet again (and again). This ambiguity means the record is wide open to alternative interpretations – not too helpful.
In looking at this history afresh, we must presently, I think, rely heavily on the most likely, most commonplace behaviour attributable to a people so commanded by extraterrestrial forces. In other words we must make do with reasonable assumptions! A striking tenet of Egyptian belief was the concept of Upper and Lower Egypt. Finding their borders has baffled Egyptologists for more than a century. Fortunately, GG provides for us an obvious, usable solution.
Lower Egypt is simply Egypt on Earth. Upper Egypt is in the skies above, populated, as stars, by the ‘departed’. They are properly alive! The ‘new’ life and behaviour of the departed was thought to be similar to that pursued on Earth, but in an eternal framework. An Egyptian nirvana.
To enter this devoutly desired paradise it was necessary to have led what was deemed to be a ‘good’ life, to die as a physically complete person and only in Egypt – not abroad in a war! This created a huge psychological and political problem! How can you justify raising an army to fight anywhere but on their own soil? Disbarment from eternal life by death or dismemberment an obvious hazard.
On death you must be mummified and escorted by Ka, the ‘winged messenger’ on an apparently perilous journey to your place with the ancestors. This view clearly accounts for the needs (of Royalty especially) to be accompanied by servants, weapons, tribute and food to sustain all of them on their journey, as they will all soon be alive again - forever.
This belief perhaps accounts for the apparent ease with which a Pharaohs followers accepted death to partner their Pharaoh in his new life. Should this new view prove to be correct and, were an ancient Egyptian able to comment, he would be amazed that we have been so stupid as not to understand what to any ancient Egyptian would be blindingly obvious! We are down here – they are up there! Those that fail to qualify populate the horrible ‘Underworld’. If like me you are intrigued by this and want a fuller, more correct understanding of all this, you must read the books. Here I have encapsulated several hundred pages of GGs work into a few paragraphs.
There is one very controversial, but hugely important point (in terms of chronology anyway) that GG makes in his writings and it relates to the birth of planet Mercury. Mercury has an iron core, as it is claimed, does Earth. According to GG, Mercury was formerly the very heart of Mars and was gradually drawn out by gravitational forces repeatedly engaged when in close formation with Earth and Venus. He believes that the vast Martian fissure, Valles Marineris, marks the spot. I have seen this ridiculed by a party who sneeringly points out that the fissure is actually some hundred plus miles shorter than the diameter needed!
While there is little evidence to actively support the ‘extraction’ theory, that criticism is frankly banal. If indeed Mercury, whether drawn out slowly or exploded into being like Venus, came out of Mars, it would necessarily leave gaping hole the size of, guess what – Mercury. Geologically Mars will have collapsed in some manner to compensate this imbalance. Thus it would be physically unlikely, to the point of impossibility, that this site would still be the same size.
At this point I must engage you on a few other points that lead in but one direction. How could peoples of those times see features of several planets with naked eye astronomy. There is but one rational explanation. This dictates that the planet/s concerned were dangerously close and glowing with a heat that may have blaze for decades, even centuries or, as with Venus, millennia. It also means that that the full thermal power was in fact limited – on Earth – by a protective blanket of debris and dust. This, acting as a ‘filter’, meant that you could look, even at the Sun, in the reduced light. This also meant that these bodies all gave off what appeared as a red light, themselves balls of fire. You can see this type of filtering effect when the Sun sinks in the west. This ‘filter’ and other features made it possible to work, in the reduced blaze of the Sun, without a shirt. Unless this be true, there is no explanation for that bareback society that is so vividly brought to life and expressed on temple walls.
That is one veritably incontrovertible example of ‘reasonable assumption’. It also stands to make the GG scenario another such ‘reasonable assumption’.
Coming back to Mercury, this planet was named ‘Aten’. The name Aten has been sometimes quite wrongly associated with ‘Re’ the Sun god. Its inception, so close to Earth, gave it a huge predominance, blotting out the other planets (gods) and the Sun. This so engaged Pharaoh Amenhotep IV that he pronounced it the ‘Aten’ (the ‘one god’) and changed his name to Akhenaten (servant of the one god). This enigmatic Pharaoh committed acts of personal power unlike any other and so demands explanation. If this scenario is right, a possible collision with Venus, then the advent of Mercury, put an end to the regular visits of Mars, the Red Planet and so places these events as circa 800BC.
This religion, so earnestly believed and followed for some 3000 years must be accepted as an honest interpretation of real but sky bound, seemingly magical powers, expressed in the actions of ‘Sky Pharaohs’. For any plainly mythical system of belief to survive, virtually unaltered and unchallenged - for generation upon generation – stands as incontrovertible proof of the depth and sincerity in which it was held.
I have more to say, but that it for starters!